To a project revisited, that was put together to give the current location, live feeds, and live stats of the International Space Station (ISS). It refreshes every two seconds to give a plotted course using their actual latitude and longitude.
I kept it at two seconds as to not blast the api, and also from what I saw, the data itself is reloaded every one second, so no need to make a request any more than that.
I also embeded two livestream links from YouTube. These live feeds are officially provided to YouTube via NASA. They mention that if a feed goes dark, the ISS is either on the night side of Earth, or maintenence is being done. Take a second to enjoy the views.
More NASA information: NASA Website More ISS information: NASA ISS Website

Things Used
A JavaScript library used for all the mapping done. ISS data was pulled via an api from the site below. Coordinates are plotted from the latitude and longitude. The icon is a .png of the ISS used in place of the default blue pin. The code that displays everything is re-fired every two seconds to show the station's movement.
Where the ISS
The api used to get the data of the ISS. You can get information (current or previous) like latitude and longitude, velocity, altitude, visibility, along with some other data too. ISS data is fetched on their end every second using the same id number that NORAD has cateloged for it.
Surface View
Horizon View
Both live feeds are embeded from Youtube by "Share" -> "Embed" and copying the iframe element. You can then add it to your web page like any HTML element.